Scam Alert: Beware of fraudulent emails. Cleanaway has NOT changed its bank details. Contact us on 13 13 39 if in doubt. Read more

Cleanaway Belrose Resource Recovery Centre

Customer Support
Services offered

Solid waste services

Cleanaway Belrose Resource Recovery Centre

Customer Support
Services offered
Solid waste services

Business hours

Open to: Commercial Tipping, Contracted Council, Hand Unload
Monday to Friday: 06:00 - 18:00
Saturday to Sunday: 08:00 - 17:00
Others: Belrose is open on hand unload again
Cleanaway Belrose Resource Recovery Centre

Cleanaway Belrose is a disposal site that accepts solid waste items from commercial, industrial, domestic and council customers. Cleanaway Belrose is part of the sites that helps waste management in NSW We provide free recycling for paper, cardboard, steel and aluminium cans, scrap metals, sump oil and vehicle batteries.

Charges may apply for other waste types, including for dry, wet and mixed materials, garden organic waste, untreated timber and expanded plastics.

We do not accept car bodies, liquid and hazardous wastes, pesticides, excluded chemicals, radioactive waste and loads comprising more than 50% of expanded plastic by volume.


Aluminum and steel cans accepted.

Paper & Cardboard

Clean newspapers, writing papers, books (hard and soft cover) and cardboard boxes accepted. Non-commercial quantities only

Vehicle batteries

Accepted at all centres

Sump oil (up to 20 litres)

Accepted in household quantities.

Load type > 500kg < 500kg
Putrescible material
$568.99/tonne $568.99/tonne
Garden organics
$370.96/tonne $393.43/tonne
Palm trees and fronds
+ +
Dry material
$548.73/tonne $548.73/tonne
Tree trunks and large branches
Expanded plastics > 25% by volume

+ Putrescible / dry material charges apply
x Not accepted

A minimum charge of $98.80 applies for putrescible and dry material and $81.74 for garden organics.


Mattresses are charged at $104.73 each. An ensemble is charged as two mattresses. Limit of one ensemble or two individual mattresses per visit. Please call Customer Service on 13 13 39 for disposal of larger quantities.

Paint (household quantities)

Charges apply to container size, not the amount of paint in the container. Paint is charged at $7.22 per litre of container capacity. A minimum charge of $9.00 applies. Water or oil based paint only. No thinners, solvents or paint related products. Water based paints and oil based paints must be kept separate. Phone 13 13 39 for more information. Label all paint containers. Other wastes are not accepted in the paint disposal area.


Asbestos is accepted at Elizabeth Drive and Lucas Heights. Minimum charges apply. Please contact our Customer Service Centre on 13 13 39 for acceptance criteria and further information.

Dry material

Mixed quantities of general waste including household junk, furniture, mixed paper, plastic, glass, metal, timber, office partitioning and other dry material. Loads must not contain asbestos, food, plant matter or liquids. Loads containing garden organics and/or food waste will be charged as putrescible material.