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Our Services

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Recovering waste at every opportunity

Closing the loop on waste is much simpler than you think. Our extensive and growing network of specialist sorting, processing and treatment facilities helps us turn waste into resources which can be fed back into the value chain. This helps conserve our finite natural resource and reduce volumes of these resources from landfill.

To us, all waste is a resource. Our tailored solutions enable our customers to improve their sustainability rates by diverting waste from landfill without compromising on safety and environmental standards. From helping customers recover titanium from mining by-products to managing grease trap maintenance and refining used lubricating oil, Cleanaway has the solution for your business’ waste streams.

Our services and solutions are built around the needs of businesses, industry and communities, and are organised around three major operating segments:

Solid Waste Services – Our state-based Solid Waste Services business operates the largest solid commercial waste removal and recycling services fleet in Australia supported by the leading resource recovery and post collection facilities network across the country. We service more than 90 municipal councils and over 140,000 local customers.

Liquids and Health Services – We are the largest hydrocarbon recycling business in Australia and a leader in the overall liquids market, collecting and processing 140 million litres of mineral oil as well as collecting and processing 680 million litres of hazardous and non-hazardous liquids. The acquisition of Daniels Health allows us to handle all healthcare generated waste streams, with an unrivalled national service infrastructure and best in class products and services.

Industrial and Waste Services – Our Industrial and Waste Services offers a wide range of plant and asset management services that provide solutions to reduce production downtime, the risk of unscheduled plant stoppages and the reliance on labour, increase plant efficiency and help customers comply with strict environmental and OHS requirements.

Whatever your waste management needs are today, you can be confident in our ability to provide any additional residential, industrial, and commercial rubbish disposal and collection service you may need in the future. As Australia’s leading waste management company, we’ve got you well and truly covered.