Cleanaway Wingfield – Liquid Waste Services
Liquid waste services, Office
Cleanaway Wingfield – Liquid Waste Services
Business hours
Cleanaway Wingfield provides liquid waste solutions to the government, commercial and industrial sectors in the Adelaide metro and South Australia region. We have a fleet of specialised vehicles designed to transport bulk liquid waste for treatment and disposal including septic waste, grease trap waste, oily water, and bulk dangerous and hazardous waste.
We are also a Paintback drop off site. Call us for a free consultation, or to find out more about our products and services.
Fact Sheet – Trial for treatment of washwaters containing dilute PFAS concentrations
Cleanaway has successfully implemented a filtration system to remove PFAS substances from dilute washwaters in Victoria, and is seeking authorisation from SA EPA to trial the technology under Environmental Authorisation 15195, at Wingfield in South Australia.
Download our fact sheet here.
Spill Kits
Turbowash Parts Washers
Spray Gun Cleaning
Oil Water Separator Tank Waste
Hazardous Chemical Waste
Contaminated Soil
Used Oil
Quarantine Waste
Grease Trap
Oily Water
Used Coolant and Antifreeze
Septic and Sewerage Waste
Engine Oil Filter
Drum Waste
Fluorescent Light Bulbs
Soil Injection