Scam Alert: Beware of fraudulent emails. Cleanaway has NOT changed its bank details. Contact us on 13 13 39 if in doubt. Read more


From specialist industrial equipment to our extensive fleet of vehicles, we work with best-in-class suppliers to deliver on our services. As part of our commitment to our customers, we look for suppliers that share our values and strive to deliver the best possible outcomes for services provided. As we value our supplier partnerships and aim to be the easiest choice to do business with, we’ve outlined various invoicing methods available for you to do business with Cleanaway. Suppliers must also abide by the Suppliers Code of Conduct. 

Hassle-free invoicing 

Cleanaway is using a cloud-based software solution Coupa to send purchase orders and to receive invoices electronically from suppliers. Coupa provides the following e-invoicing benefits for our suppliers: 

  • Accelerated invoice receipt 
  • Full visibility and tracking of invoice status 
  • Elimination of lost invoices, reducing the potential for delayed payment 
  • Cost reduction for sending invoices 
  • Support environmental “green” sustainability goals 

While we realise that every supplier is different, we strongly recommend that you use this completely free-of-charge tool to submit your invoices electronically as invoices received through email or mail will be delayed in processing. Reminder: All invoices must have a valid Cleanaway PO number to be processed. Invoices without a PO number will be returned to the supplier. To ensure your invoices are processed and tracked in a timely and efficient manner, Cleanaway Accounts Payable will only process invoices received directly from you, our supplier. All invoices received at Accounts Payable that have come via a Cleanaway branch will not be processed.

Early payment

If you would like to receive your invoice payment early in exchange for a discount, suppliers can create a profile here and request early payment using the Earlytrade platform. Earlytrade is Cleanaway’s optional supplier early payment platform. It gives suppliers greater confidence and control over invoices and payment times.

  • As a Cleanaway supplier:
    • You get visibility over all approved invoices and their due dates.
    • You get the option to nominate certain invoices for early payment at a discount rate that is acceptable to you.
  • Cleanaway pays that invoice that has been nominated for early payment within the next week.
  • If you have any questions, please contact

Modern Slavery and Social Procurement

In December 2020, we released our FY20 Modern Slavery Statement to identify and mitigate any potential modern slavery risks in Cleanaway’s operations and supply chain. We’re proud of the work we have done to identify and mitigate modern slavery risks in our commodity sales which is an extension of our supply chain and operations. We continue to take care in vetting the buyers of our material in regard to their ethical operations, while suppliers must adhere to our Suppliers Code of Conduct. Read more of our Cleanaway’s Modern Slavery Statement and Social Procurement Statement below.

Cleanaway Modern Slavery Statement

Cleanaway Social Procurement Statement