Scam Alert: Beware of fraudulent emails. Cleanaway has NOT changed its bank details. Contact us on 13 13 39 if in doubt. Read more

Inkerman Landfill, SA

Status: Operational

You don’t normally think of the phrase ‘state-of-the-art’ when referring to landfill sites, but that’s precisely how the industry talks about our site at Inkerman, South Australia. Located 85 kms from Adelaide, Inkerman landfill services a range of transfer stations in the city’s north and beyond. The landfill accepts a broad range of non-recyclable materials, including domestic waste, construction and demolition waste, non-friable asbestos, shredded tyres and quarantine waste.

The site currently takes in approximately 250,000 tonnes of landfill a year. While that number sounds big, the amount of material that is now repurposed, reused or recycled is considerably higher. Our Inkerman landfill was awarded the Landfill Excellence Award at the 2015 Waste Management Association of Australia Awards thanks to our best practice containment and control systems, and our engineering-grade, site-based GPS system, among other things.

The site has been operational for over a decade. The fact that it is winning awards today is testament to our commitment to continuous improvement, innovation and development initiatives.

Working with the local community

At Cleanaway, we believe in maintaining positive and open relationships with the communities in which we operate.

We are pleased to have established a new community reference group called the Inkerman Landfill Community Reference Group (ILCRG), with members of communities neighbouring the Inkerman landfill.

ILCRG – Terms of Reference

The ILCRG is an important part of our ongoing communication and consultation with the community.  It plays an important role in facilitating the flow of information and ideas between Cleanaway, South Australia’s Environment Protection Authority, local Council and the community – helping to build a productive and positive working relationship.

All meeting minutes and presentations will be publicly available here throughout the year so please continue to check this site for updates.

For further information, contact our Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager, Olga Ghiri on

Community Meeting Information

2022 meetings

July 7, 2022

September 23, 2021

June 10, 2021

September 9, 2020

January 23, 2020