Cleanaway Belrose Resource Recovery Centre
Solid waste services
Cleanaway Belrose Resource Recovery Centre
Business hours
Cleanaway Belrose is a disposal site that accepts solid waste items from commercial, industrial, domestic and council customers. Cleanaway Belrose is part of the sites that helps waste management in NSW We provide free recycling for paper, cardboard, steel and aluminium cans, scrap metals, sump oil and vehicle batteries.
Charges may apply for other waste types, including for dry, wet and mixed materials, garden organic waste, untreated timber and expanded plastics.
We do not accept car bodies, liquid and hazardous wastes, pesticides, excluded chemicals, radioactive waste and loads comprising more than 50% of expanded plastic by volume.


Paper & Cardboard

Vehicle batteries

Sump oil (up to 20 litres)
Load type | > 500kg | < 500kg |
Putrescible material
$568.99/tonne | $568.99/tonne |
Garden organics
$370.96/tonne | $393.43/tonne |
Palm trees and fronds
+ | + |
Dry material
$548.73/tonne | $548.73/tonne |
Tree trunks and large branches
x | |
Expanded plastics > 25% by volume
$3,445.68/tonne |
+ Putrescible / dry material charges apply
x Not accepted
A minimum charge of $98.80 applies for putrescible and dry material and $81.74 for garden organics.


Paint (household quantities)


Dry material

Fire extinguishers and gas cylinders

Glass bottles and jars

- Products must not have been exposed to radiation, biological or chemical hazards.
- Under no circumstances will the product be returned once disposed of.

Excluded wastes

Expanded plastics

Garden organics

Refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners

Tree trunks and large branches

Whole car tyres