Cleanaway Sydney Olympic Park - Industrial Waste Services
Industrial waste services
Cleanaway Sydney Olympic Park - Industrial Waste Services
.Business hours
Cleanaway Sydney Olympic Park has a range of high pressure blasting, drain cleaning and vacuum loading units as part of our industrial cleaning services. Our other services include tank cleaning and on rail infrastructure support.
We have over 40 operators and over 30 units to service customers in the manufacturing, utilities, municipals and civils infrastructure markets across the greater Sydney basin. Call us to set an appointment, or to find out more about our products and services.
Do you live near us? Visit your community page to see the latest announcements, upcoming community events, environmental reports and more information about how we manage this facility in consultation with you.

Vacuum Loading and Vacuum Truck Services

High Pressure Water Blasting Services

Hydro Excavation

Surface Preparation and Protective Coatings

Cold Cutting Service

Closed Circuit Monitoring

Drain, Sewer, Tank and Pipeline Cleaning Services

Waste Interceptor Pump Outs