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Perth Materials Recovery Facility Redevelopment

Cleanaway’s Guildford Materials Recovery Facility (Perth MRF)

Cleanaway’s Guildford Materials Recovery Facility (Perth MRF) has capacity to process up to 200,000 tonnes of recyclables per annum with the capability to recover up to 90% of reusable product and deliver up to 99.5% purity across all fibre and plastic outputs.

In November 2019, the facility suffered a catastrophic fire. It was reopened in May 2021 after significant recycling enhancements and new fire safety improvements were made.

New recycling capabilities

Our facility will improve costs and environmental outcomes for our customers by maximizing saleable resources and delivering high levels of purity commodities. New features include:

  • Screening for fibre purity
    Our new bounce and ballistic conveyors enhance fibre (paper) product purity while reducing the need for manual handling to remove contaminants.
  • Optical sorting
    The facility now has nine optical sorters that can sort plastics into five different polymers for baling. These sorters significantly improve plastic sorting and can be reprogrammed easily to target different materials if required.
  • Efficient baling
    Additional high-production balers have been installed, with cardboard receiving its own dedicated receival bunker and baler. This can help us ensure the lowest possible costs for customers who segregate their recycling meticulously.
  • Recovering glass
    Glass is the heaviest commingle product by weight. The new technologies installed will extract and segregate glass by two sizes and remove all excess fibre and contaminants, ready to be turned into feedstock for road base and other civil construction projects.

Improved safety measures

Our state-of-the-art facility has been designed from the ground up to comply with the National Construction Code, EPA Victoria’s Management and storage of combustible recyclable and waste materials (October 2018), and Fire and Rescue NSW’s Fire safety in waste facilities (October 2019) guidelines. This facility sets an industry benchmark for fire control and management infrastructure with features that include:

  • Four concrete bunkers, each fitted with high hazard automatic sprinklers, smoke detecting systems and water monitors to minimise fire risk
  • Four concrete bunkers, each fitted with high hazard automatic sprinklers, smoke detecting systems and water monitors to minimise fire risk
  • High-level fixed water cannons that can direct water to the tipping floor and bale bunkers
  • Fire tanks with an effective combined capacity of 1.24 million litre water storage
  • Inground storage to capture full volume of fire water tanks
  • Aspirated fire smoke detection system
  • Automatic inground stormwater isolation valves, which are activated on alarm from the fire monitoring panel to prevent uncontrolled discharge of fire water from site
  • Electronic pollution run-off valves
  • Fire hydrants and hose reels connected to pressurised system

Download our brochure.

Latest news regarding the Perth MRF

Monday 16 November 2020: DFES Structure Fire Investigation Report

Following a meeting of the Guildford Materials Recovery Facility Redevelopment Community Reference Group, Cleanaway committed to releasing a copy of the Department of Fire and Emergency Services Structure Fire Investigation Report. This report can be found here.

Thursday 5 November 2020: Fire safety and development enhancements  

Following a meeting of Cleanaway’s Guildford Materials Recovery Facility Redevelopment Community Reference Group, it was agreed to post information about fire safety and development enhancements.

A range of fire safety enhancements are to be included in the South Guildford Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) rebuild. The enhancements go beyond what the National Construction Code requires and have been developed in conjunction with the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES). A summary of the enhancements can be found here.

Fire Hydrant System 

In the original facility the fire hydrants ran off the mains water supply, which is common for industrial buildings of comparable size. In the new development, the hydrants are connected to on-site fire pumps with storage tanks.

This reduces reliance on the Water Corporation infrastructure, allows the use of water cannons by trained staff, and enables the Fire Brigade to get to work without relying on their appliance to pump the system for fire attack.

Fire Sprinkler System 

The fire sprinkler system capacity is substantially enhanced compared to the previous facility, with the system flow rate twice that of the previous system in the processing areas and approximately tripled in the storage areas. Additional sprinklers provided below the ceiling of the storage bunkers to activate earlier and apply more water directly onto the fire.

Water Monitors (Water Cannons) 

The new facility is provided with multiple fixed water monitors fixed to elevated platforms, for use by trained staff, which operate in the same way as fire hydrants at full flow. There are three water monitors located opposite the openings face of the bunkers, with two additional monitors provided in the tipping area, capable of spraying across the full width of the building.

Pumps and Tanks 

The new development will have two diesel pumps, to supply the combined fire sprinkler and fire hydrant requirements, whereas the previous facility had only one a single diesel pump for sprinklers only. The on-site pumps are monitored for operation and faults and are subject to monthly testing.

To account for the additional sprinkler flow rate, increased hydrant allowance, and use of the water monitors, approximately 1 million litres of water is stored on site for firefighting use.

Bunker Design (Baled Paper and Plastic) 

Baled paper and baled plastics are separated by fire rated concrete walls, which work in conjunction with the sprinklers, to prevent lateral fire spread. The open face of the bunker allows access for firefighting at low level, and allows the use of water monitors to spray from high level onto a developing fire.

Smoke Detection 

Enhanced smoke detection is provided using special industrial VESDATM smoke detection systems, throughout the main warehouse areas and below the ceiling of each bunker. This system provides early smoke detection, to alert staff and the Fire Brigade in the early stages of a fire, including potential smouldering fires at the base of a pile, allowing intervention even before the sprinkler system activates.

In addition to the specific fire safety enhancements included in the rebuild, there has also been a range of general enhancements. These are detailed below.  

Facility design and processing improvements  

  • The new plant provides clear segregation between the plant and the finished goods section.
  • There are multiple segregation walls between the high fuel stack areas and there is a sprinkler system that is designed to specifically target these areas, resulting in a significant fire risk reduction.
  • Cleanaway has drawn upon the Victorian Environmental Protection Authority guidelines and the NSW Fire & Rescue Service guidelines, which dictate that when products are tipped on to the floor, the size of stockpiles are to be limited. These require a defined space between each stockpile to minimise fire spread in these areas if there is an incident. The inwards goods tipping area process have been adjusted to reflect this. The goods are now initially tipped on to the floor to allow sorters to identify any products that are within incorrect waste streams.
  • The bunkers are now limited to 1,000 cubic metres with separated commodity types, such as paper and aluminium. The waste is not stored in the finished goods area. It is separated and transported off site.
  • The new development has taken into consideration a method of internal collection of water run-off on-site. The drainage system has isolation valves installed as part of an upgrade in the new development. There is also an additional second pit on-site, which would allow tankers to pump water out of the external area.
  • In the event of a fire, there is now the added capacity of water storage as part of the new development and new internal infrastructure that can carry any subsequent water waste stream.

Increased safety measures 

  • There has been a change in the protocol alarm system, and it is now directly linked to DFES and not linked through a secondary monitoring party.

Thursday 5 November 2020: Department of Water and Environmental Regulation process for notifying community about contaminated sites 

Following a meeting of Cleanaway’s Guildford Materials Recovery Facility Redevelopment Community Reference Group, it was agreed to post information about the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation’s (DWER) process for notifying community about contaminated sites.

When is the community told about a contaminated site?  

Information on all contaminated sites (known and suspected), which are reported to DWER, is available to the public.

There are two ways to access information on reported sites:

  1. Through the Contaminated sites database  – information on the confirmed contaminated sites is available online, free of charge.
  2. Reported sites register – for information on other sites reported to DWER, any person may submit a Form 2  and applicable fee to DWER to obtain information held in relation to a particular property.

If a risk to public health is confirmed, DWER, and/or the responsible party, will directly advise the affected community.

What does it say in the legislation and related guidelines?  

The Contaminated Sites Act 2003 states that “As soon as is practicable after a site is classified, and in any event not later than 10 days after the site is classified, the CEO [of DWER] is to cause written notice of the classification of the site to be given, or to ensure that reasonable attempts have been made to do so, to —

    1. each owner of the site;
    2. an occupier of the site;
    3. any relevant public authority;
    4. any other person whom, in the opinion of the CEO, there is particular reason to notify;
    5. a person who made the relevant report under section 11 or 12; and
    6. in respect of a site classified as contaminated — remediation required, each person who, in the opinion of the CEO, may be a person responsible for remediation of the site.”

The CEO is obliged to notify of the classification given to a site within 10 days of classifying the site. Notification of classification must be given to each land owner, but the CEO can exercise judgment over those occupiers, public authorities or other people who require notification.

More information 

DWER – Assessment and management of contaminated sites – Contaminated sites guidelines

DWER – Identification, reporting and classification of contaminated sites in Western Australia

Wednesday 29 April 2020: Redevelopment plans open for public comment

Cleanaway has submitted plans to the City of Swan for the reconstruction of its Materials Recovery Facility in South Guildford, which was destroyed by fire in late 2019.

Cleanaway has acted quickly to recover and submit the plans for the facility which will provide essential recycling services. These services will significantly improve the capacity of local governments throughout the metropolitan area to manage and recycle household and other community waste. This ability to recycle materials has been significantly affected since Cleanaway’s facility was destroyed.

When operating, the Hyne Road facility employs around 60 people and could process up to 200,000 tonnes of recyclable material.

The proposal includes plans for the reconstruction of the materials recovery facility building, along with modifications to associated outbuildings, on-site parking and landscaping. The proposed works are consistent with the previously approved facility, with minor changes proposed to improve operational efficiency and fire safety arrangements.

Cleanaway is working with an externally appointed and independent fire engineer and the WA Department of Fire and Emergency Services and WA Department of Water and Environmental Regulation to ensure the development meets the highest standards for safety, sustainability and fire management.

Controls being considered as part of the detailed design for reconstruction include:

  • Design for a special hazard including increased fire suppression and water storage capability
  • Additional smoke detection system suited for the building use
  • Additional controls to limit the severity, duration and the intensity of potential fire events
  • Further reductions in the risk of fire spreading throughout the storage area
  • Introduction of fire cannons/monitors
  • Access improvements and segregation of process areas
  • Inclusion of concrete bunkers where appropriate
  • Introduction of processes to control smoke
  • Containment of fire water

Comment on the proposal can be made here before 15 May 2020.

Our Community Hotline is available for residents and local businesses to speak to someone about the site: 1800 213 753

Wednesday 22, 2020: Expressions of interest sought for Cleanaway’s Guildford Materials Recovery Facility Redevelopment Community Reference Group

Expressions of interest are invited to be a member of Cleanaway’s Guildford Materials Recovery Facility (Perth MRF) Redevelopment Community Reference Group (CRG).

Cleanaway has established the Perth MRF Redevelopment CRG to share information about the redevelopment process with community members who represent the interests of the wider community.

The primary purpose of the CRG is to function as a reference body for Cleanaway, their stakeholders and the community. The CRG is an advisory group only and not a decision-making body and operates as a regular consultative forum where representatives of Cleanaway, the community, individual residents and other interested parties can discuss the redevelopment of the Perth MRF.

Cleanaway will consider comments and suggestions made by the CRG and provide responses where warranted. The CRG may make recommendations to Cleanaway, including communication of a negotiated position that reflects community members’ views, for Cleanaway to consider and respond to as part of the CRG process. However, the CRG is not required to reach consensus or express unified views on matters discussed.

As Cleanaway is accountable for its own actions as a publicly listed corporate entity, final decisions regarding the Perth MRF redevelopment will always rest with Cleanaway and relevant regulatory authorities. However, the CRG process will ensure that Cleanaway’s decisions in relation to its redevelopment are robust and informed by community sentiment.

The terms of reference attached outline proposed membership, meeting procedures and principles, role of community members and code of conduct.

Selection of community members is based on each individual’s:

• Ability to represent community views through well-established networks within the local community;
• Ability to work collaboratively with stakeholders with different views;
• Sincere willingness to be informed about the redevelopment plans;
• Active participation in discussions in a manner that is productive and in accordance with behaviours and conduct to be collectively agreed to by the group; and
• Commitment to ongoing and regular participation.

Meetings will be chaired by an Independent Facilitator who will also prepare and distribute meeting notes and agendas in consultation with group members.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Perth MRF Redevelopment CRG, please contact Lenda Oshalem on 0406 244 356 or via email to for more information (ideally before the end of April 2020).

March 31, 2020: Cleanaway provides the following update on scheduled demolition works

As a result of a significant structural fire at the Cleanaway Guildford Material Recovery Facility (Perth MRF) on November 25, 2019, demolition will shortly commence.

Initial preparation works will occur at the 72 Hyne Road, South Guildford site from Wednesday,  April 1 2020, with demolition works to commence Monday, April 6.

It is anticipated that the demolition works at the site will take approximately four weeks to complete. All works will occur between 7am and 7pm and will be undertaken in accordance with Demolition Permit number DP-1/2020.

We thank you for your understanding and patience whilst this project is underway. Our Community Hotline is available for residents and local businesses to provide feedback: 1800 213 753.

Perth MRF Community Reference Group (CRG)

Cleanaway has established the Perth MRF Redevelopment CRG to share information about the redevelopment process with community members who represent the interests of the wider community.

The primary purpose of the CRG is to function as a reference body for Cleanaway, their stakeholders and the community.

The Terms of Reference can be found here. Meeting agendas and minutes available below.








Contact Information

  • Community Hotline on 1800 213 753
  • 72 Hyne Road, South Guildford, WA, 6055