Erskine Park Transfer Station
Cleanaway’s waste transfer station in Erskine Park marks another milestone on our journey. The facility combines traditional waste transfer with cutting edge sorting facilities to recover more material and optimise landfill diversion.
With a licensed capacity to process 300,000 tonnes per year of mixed and putrescible waste, the facility is located in the key growth areas surrounding the M7 / M4 corridors and is perfectly positioned just minutes from the site of Sydney’s second airport at Badgery’s Creek.
Waste streams and industries
Erskine Park TS accepts commingled and dry commercial and industrial (C&I) waste including:
- General Solid Waste – Putrescible
- General Solid Waste (non putrescible)
- C&I (business/commercial/industrial mixed dry waste)
- C&D – construction and demolition
- Timber
- Metals
Key features
The Erskine Park Transfer is an advanced facility that has:
- Environment Protection License
- Weighbridge
- State-of-the-art odour management technology
- Automated traffic control system to minimise turnaround times for vehicles upon entry
- Electronic tagging system (RFID) for frequent customers to minimise waiting times
It is also adjacent to Cleanaway’s operating dry landfill, located to the rear of the waste transfer station.
How we do it
The Erskine Park Transfer Station (TS) collects materials from various waste stream and sorts them to be managed as a commodity.