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Organic Waste

Cleanaway offers sustainable collection, disposal and recycling services for all your organic waste.

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Organic Waste

Organic waste disposal and recycling   

Our organics waste management solutions help reduce your general waste costs and keep valuable resources out of landfill, while reducing your environmental impact. Cleanaway safely and efficiently collects, transports and recycles organic material with our tailored service that matches your needs.

Organics that are perfect for recovery include:

  • Liquid and solid food and food scraps such as fruit and vegetables, meat, fish and dairy
  • Green waste such as garden waste and plants
  • Organic by-products such as sewage and sludges

Organics are heavy and wet material that have incredible potential to be recovered and should be separated from general waste at every opportunity. Through our range of organics recovery solutions, we recycle this material to be beneficially reused in many applications including:

Organic waste and by-products

We offer specialist services for your liquid or solid organic by-products. Operating since 1994, Cleanaway is an established industry leader in the management of biosolids, effluent and liquid organic by-products.

Each year, we beneficially use over 75,000 tonnes of organic solids and over 90,000 tonnes of organic liquids in land application, on behalf of government water authorities and key national food manufacturers. We provide our clients with a complete range of services from by-product assessments to identification of suitable end use sites, soil sampling, spreading and injecting services, as well as post application reporting for relevant regulatory requirements.

Our team comprises professional agricultural, soil and environmental scientists and experienced operators backed by a fleet of purpose-built equipment and vehicles for all processing and applications requirements. Cleanaway has the flexibility and commercial reach to operate year round beneficial use schemes and is dedicated to deliver you the highest level of operational safety, quality and environmental compliance.

Organic by-products and biosolids

Cleanaway has the professional expertise in innovative, practical and sustainable solutions that meet regulatory requirements. We have extensive experience in providing beneficial solutions for a wide range of organic by-products including biosolids (treated sewage sludge), food waste and treated grease trap waste:

  • Turning food waste into compost and mulch to nourish soil
  • Directly injecting nutrient rich liquid fertiliser for use in agricultural land
  • Creating renewable energy by extracting biogas

This form of waste is a valuable resource that contains nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus and organic matter which have been demonstrated to improve soil fertility. Our sampling and assessment services will assess your by-product to determine the end uses that are most appropriate to relevant state regulations and guidelines, including land application, composting, land rehabilitation, landscaping or forestry.

Land suitability assessments, management plans and audits

Cleanaway gives you the confidence that your organic by-products are being handled in accordance with industry best practice.

By-product sampling and assessment

Cleanaway can conduct your organic by-product sampling and assessment for agronomics and potential contaminants or provide advice on your own sampling program in order to meet relevant state guidelines.

We use and recommend NATA-accredited laboratories and can provide an ongoing biosolids classification service for major clients.

Land suitability assessments

Our team of environmental and soil scientists can conduct detailed site assessments to ensure the suitability of land application of organic by-products that meet industry best practice for effluent, biosolids and food manufacturing by-products.

Detailed site reports investigate landform elements such as slope and groundwater, use considerations, potential impacts on sensitive areas, soil suitability and agronomic opportunities.

Cleanaway reports will also include information about onsite conditions, proposed site activities and determine the appropriate controls to avoid impact on the environment and community to give you confidence that your operations follow best practice.

We can also liaise with government authorities and the community as well as assist with obtaining required approvals and licences.

Management plans and audits

Cleanaway’s services include analysis or audit of your current management practices and can optimise economically and environmentally sustainable management strategies to suit your needs.

This can include management plans that address operational procedures to handle tasks associated with the beneficial use of biosolids, including loading, transport, stockpiling and application.

Our effluent management plans include a review of existing wastewater management practices and an assessment of utilisation areas. Recommendations for sustainable irrigation are made regarding wastewater quality, storage and application.

Consulting services for organic by-products, effluent and biosolids

Cleanaway consultants provide you with integrated solutions through innovative systems and procedures ensuring that we meet your needs, and deliver safety and quality while minimising the environmental and community impacts.

Services include:

  • Soil and water monitoring
  • Land suitability assessment
  • Environmental planning
  • Documentation and lodgement
  • Audits
  • Effluent management plans
  • Biosolids research and market surveys
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping of end use sites
  • Stakeholder engagement and community consultation
  • Year-round logistics management of organics transport
  • Spreading and injecting services for biosolids and other organic by-products

Cleanaway can tailor a program to suit the needs of your business now and into the future.

Organic waste transportation

We handle all your requirements with a fleet of purpose-built vehicles.

We are experts in logistics and have a fleet of vehicles and tankers dedicated to transport liquid organics or solid organics to land sites where they are then used to directly improve the fertility and structure of agricultural soils. All drivers are trained in Cleanaway Spill Management Plans and Transport Procedures and are supported by our 1800 SPILLS national emergency response service. We believe this integrated approach to compliance, legislation and workplace health and safety for collection, transport and beneficial use ensures that you can have confidence in our operations.

Cleanaway operates under an externally certified health safety and environment management system to meet the requirements of key Australian standards for quality, environment and OHS.

Are you interested in closing the loop on your business’ organic waste? Please contact us and we will customise our solutions to suit your business needs.