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Customer-centric design key to success of NSW’s container deposit scheme

TOMRA Cleanaway’s world-class container deposit network uses real time data to ensure convenient customer access.

Our Services - Partnerships

August 18, 2020


The network operator is incentivised to collect as many containers as possible which encourages TOMRA Cleanaway to boost participation in the scheme by providing a positive customer experience.


The network operator is incentivised to collect as many containers as possible which encourages TOMRA Cleanaway to boost participation in the scheme by providing a positive customer experience.

NSW’s container deposit scheme, Return and Earn marked a major milestone recently with over 4 billion containers recycled since the scheme began in December 2017.

In a statement released by the NSW EPA, Environment Minister Matt Kean said that the scheme’s customer-centric design has delivered tangible environmental, social and economic benefits to the people of NSW, including more than $10.4 million donated to charities, less container litter ending up in landfill and jobs creation.

As network operators of the scheme, TOMRA Cleanaway manages a state-wide network of 635 return points as well as the logistics and sale of the recyclable commodities.

Network operator model critical to scheme’s success

The network operator is incentivised to collect as many containers as possible which encourages TOMRA Cleanaway to boost participation in the scheme by providing a positive customer experience. TOMRA Cleanaway is also contractually obligated to ensure recycling outcomes are met through delivery of materials to authorised recyclers.

A prospectus released by the NSW EPA wrote, “The clean, uniform, recyclable material generated by the scheme and managed by one operator has advantages in the on-selling of materials compared with other CDS models where the role is devolved to many providers. The model allows for long term contracts and a critical mass to support a viable and sustainable recycling industry in Australia.”

The model also provides economies of scale for the scheme operator through efficient deployment of collection machines and a single data platform to audit the network of return points.

Easy access to return points

Strategically located reverse vending machines (RVMs) at high foot traffic areas provide a convenient way for residents to return their containers while doing the weekly shop. To minimise downtime, these automated machines are cleared regularly, and bin levels are tracked in real time through a sophisticated live data network.

RVMs run seven days a week, between 7am to 10pm in most instances, with an uptime rate of 95%. Proactive management means there are approximately 2,200 RVM clearances daily across NSW, backed by Cleanaway’s fleet of more than 200 trucks.

Automated depots that take bulk deposits of more than 500 containers offer a collection service that is popular with schools and those who use Return and Earn as a fundraising activity. Staff at the depot use counting machines to process the large amounts of containers quickly and efficiently to minimise wait time.

Local businesses operating as over the counter collection points are a critical part of the collections network. They provide return point access to inner city and small rural communities, accepting small quantities of less than 100 containers.

Responsive data-driven network

Website and app functionalities make it easy for people to search for the nearest return point or check on its status before they make the trip. People who use RVMs can choose to receive a digital or cash refund, donate directly to a selected charity or get a voucher – all with the touch of a button.

For active fraud prevention, real time monitoring allows the scheme coordinator for Return and Earn, Exchange for Change, to verify that the containers collected are genuine as soon as a container is put through an RVM.

Collected data from busy return points also helps identify if additional return points are needed.

Better quality recycling

Source separated containers provide a clean stream of high-quality recyclable material with minimal contamination. The reliable volumes allow manufacturers to produce affordable, locally made recycled packaging that further supports the domestic recycling economy. To date, the scheme has recycled approximately 265,000 tonnes of materials into new beverage containers or used in other manufacturing processes.

Cleanaway’s Container Sorting Facility at Eastern Creek receives containers collected from the scheme, operating seven days a week and employing up to 39 staff and 200 drivers to collect containers. The facility’s state-of-art optical sorting technology allows us to separate the various material streams with speed and ease, ready to be sent to recyclers.

TOMRA Cleanaway is the joint venture leveraging a dynamic combination of cutting-edge technology provided by TOMRA, global leader in reverse vending technology and Cleanaway, Australia’s largest waste management and resource recovery organisation. TOMRA Cleanaway is committed to providing community access to the Return and Earn Scheme for all citizens of NSW.

Cleanaway also provides collections in selected regions for Containers for Change in QLD and WA.

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