Cleanaway launches new hazardous soil and waste treatment service in Victorian market

Cleanaway has developed a specialist new facility to treat toxic fire residues and high hazard contaminated soils

Our Services - Resource Recovery

September 29, 2021


The facility is unique in its ability to accept and treat asbestos co-contaminated soils and sludges and highly odorous, dusty and/or difficult to handle industrial waste.


The facility is unique in its ability to accept and treat asbestos co-contaminated soils and sludges and highly odorous, dusty and/or difficult to handle industrial waste.

Cleanaway is looking to fill a gap in the market for high hazard contaminated soils and sludges and tap the growing infrastructure market across Victoria with a specialist new facility developed to treat toxic fire residues from a major warehouse fire.

General Manager Liquids & Technical Services Karl David said Cleanaway had built a state-of-the-art facility in Melbourne to process fire residue sludges and solids and a range of asbestos-contaminated packaged wastes remaining after the fire in 2018 at a West Footscray warehouse, where large amounts of chemicals were stored.

Mr David said the service would be offered to new customers once the fire clean-up project with environmental services business Enviropacific Services for health and safety regulator WorkSafe Victoria was completed this year.

The facility at Dandenong South, which cost about $3 million to develop, has the capacity to process thousands of tonnes of contaminated soils, sludges and other hazardous wastes every year.

“This is a niche service in that we will be able to manage highly contaminated, odorous and hazardous solid wastes that other facilities can’t take,” he said.

“The material is safely stored in our new facility prior to treatment to enable it to be recovered or safely disposed in accordance with environmental regulations.

“It’s a very flexible space in terms of what it can be used for and provides new levels of environmental and safety controls in the treatment of highly contaminated material, consisting of fully enclosed loading, treatment and stockpiling areas.

“The facility operates under negative pressure with an emissions control unit filtering air prior to discharge from the facility. This is complemented by fully bunded storage areas, fast action roller doors at truck entrances and exits, truck wash and dedicated staff decontamination facilities.

“We see potential interest in our specialist new capability from the growing number of infrastructure projects, including rail and road, in Victoria.

“The facility is unique in its ability to accept and treat asbestos co-contaminated soils and sludges and highly odorous, dusty and/or difficult to handle industrial waste.”

Mr David said this new capability was in additional to Cleanaway’s safe, compliant and environmentally responsible solutions for effective contaminated solid waste disposal and soil remediation, which are usually provided on site.

Contact us to learn more about our tailored services for all types of waste streams including hydrocarbon waste disposal.