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Engineering and remediation update 2020

Our remediation team reports on rehabilitation and post closure works at Cleanaway sites in Victoria.

Industry Updates

February 17, 2020


Cleanaway’s engineering and stakeholder engagement teams continue to work closely with the local community, the council and the EPA to provide long term benefits from the landfill sites and minimise the impact on the community and environment.

Tags: Landfill

Cleanaway’s engineering and stakeholder engagement teams continue to work closely with the local community, the council and the EPA to provide long term benefits from the landfill sites and minimise the impact on the community and environment.

Cleanaway’s remediation team provides an update on the rehabilitation and post closure works of landfills in Victoria.

Cleanaway manages and oversees the rehabilitation and post closure works of landfills in Carroll Road, Clayton, Deals Road, Fraser Road, Ryans Road and Victory Road.

With Head of Engineering Barry Griffin in the lead, we begin the new year on the back of major engineering and remediation milestones including the rehabilitation and capping of Victory Road, completion of geosynthetic lining works at Deals Road, and the rectification of a leachate pond and bulk earthworks at Fraser Road, among others.

We work closely with a range of internal and external partners including, procurement, finance, and environmental teams, consultants and contractors, to complete these projects.

Rectified leachate storage and treatment dam (Pond 5) at Fraser Road

Last roll of liner being placed at Deals Road landfill in December 2019

Cap foundation layer being established on 16N area of Fraser Road

Second stage of rehabilitation works at Carroll Road
Stage 1 rehabilitation works were completed in the northern section in mid-2017. With revised design and approvals in place, works to rehabilitate the southern section began in January 2020.

The work undertaken by the team includes:

  • cut and fill of waste and soils to achieve final contours
  • installation and management of infrastructure to collect leachate and landfill gas for treatment, disposal or energy generation
  • placement of cap layers
  • installation of geosynthetics to separate the landfill from the final surface
  • placement of subsoils on top of the geosynthetics to provide protection and a final surface
  • construction of stormwater systems including stormwater drains and attenuation ponds to catch water that runs off the landfill after rain
  • placement of topsoil on top of the capped landfill to establish and encourage vegetation growth

When the rehabilitation is complete by early 2021, we will have:

  • relocated +120,000 m3 waste
  • placed +115, 000 m2 geosynthetic clay liner
  • placed +70,000 m2 drainage geocomposite
  • installed 4.5k m strip drains

In the months to come, we expect to complete the following works:

  • cut and fill works, lining and capping at southern portion at Carroll Road
  • capping works and landscaping at Deals Road
  • landscaping at Victory Road
  • cut and fill works, lining and capping at Fraser Road

Cleanaway’s engineering and stakeholder engagement teams continue to work closely with the local community, the council and the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) to provide long term benefits from the landfill sites and minimise the impact on the community and environment.

Want to learn more about landfills? Read our FAQ here.

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