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Soil Injection Service

Cleanaway provides a genuine closed loop solution by recovering organic end products through our sustainable soil injection treatment service. Talk to us and see how we can customise our solutions to reach your sustainability goals.

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Closing the organic loop with soil injection treatment

Our organic waste soil injection technology allows us to turn organic liquid residuals and by-products from food and beverage manufacturers into nutrient-rich fertiliser. The organic waste is collected and treated without being exposed to air, preserving valuable nitrogen and phosphorus until application.

Eligible organic by-products used in soil injection include:

  • Dairy, ice cream and yogurt sludge
  • Food waste meant for product destruction (out-of-date food and beverage such as juice, soft drinks and alcohol)
  • Flavouring, sauces and pastes
  • Liquid waste from vegetable and fruit canning process

Materials must be biodegradable (from food sources only), free from contamination and hazardous substances, and physically pumpable (typically 10% solid content).


For agriculture

Soil injected fertiliser delivers value through increased soil nutrients and water retention in a cost effective manner that improves your business operations. An organic soil injection service is proven over time to lessen the amount of inorganic fertiliser required and reduce the ecological impact of your operations.

For industry

The collection of your organic by-products provides a complete end-to-end recycling solution for businesses seeking to improve their sustainability KPIs or move towards zero waste to landfill targets. Soil injected fertiliser will often be used in pasture near your operations, allowing you to contribute directly to your community’s environment.

For regulatory authorities

You can feel secure in the knowledge that Cleanaway has a long, proven history of supporting industries and communities within established guidelines and has worked with authorities to help shape those guidelines. Our soil injection treatment service is reviewed regularly to ensure compliance.

How soil injection treatment works

Cleanaway collects organic by-products from food and beverage manufacturers and transports them to pasture sites with our fleet of purpose-built vehicles. The organic material collected is stored onsite in bulk storage tanks to be assessed and readied for application.

The organic by-product is then transferred to specialised agricultural equipment and injected below the soil surface to an approximate depth of ten to 30cm. The paddocks are then ploughed to ensure the product is incorporated into the topsoil layer. This nutrient-rich material is processed and recycled into fertiliser for agricultural land.

Cleanaway then injects the organic by-products into crop soil to:

  • Maximise nutrient value
  • Increase water retention
  • Produce high quality crops and animal feed
  • Reduce cost from inorganic fertilisers

This results in an end-to-end recycling solution that encourages zero waste to landfill.

Soil injection

Key customers

Food and beverage manufacturers

Our organics waste services recover nutrient-rich waste from your business to be turned into beneficial soil conditioners, closing the loop on organic waste.


Our biosolids help reduce the need for chemical fertilisers and are fully compliant with all local laws and regulations.

Why choose Cleanaway 

Largest network in Australia

Leverage on the largest network of strategically placed collection, storage and processing facilities.

100% compliant

Fully compliant fleet and EPA-compliant service with associated EPA documentation provided.

Closed loop solution

Our services are part of a closed loop, giving you peace of mind that your waste gets a new lease on life.

Fully accredited

Cleanaway is certified to ISO 9001 (Quality), ISO 14001 (Environment) and AS 4801 (OHS) standards, helping to reduce your risk profile.

More solutions for Organic Waste

Cleanaway offers sustainable collection, disposal and recycling services for all your organic waste.
Interested in a Cleanaway service?

Contact us directly on 13 13 39 or fill up one of these short forms. We will get back to you as soon as possible with your request or booking.

Find your nearest Cleanaway team

We are in every major city and region in Australia. Chances are you will find us not too far away from where you are. We’re in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth, as well as Karratha, Rockhampton, Newcastle, Geelong, Port Augusta, Albury, and more.