
Sustainable Future Newsroom

Find the latest Cleanaway news and waste industry updates on this page. Featuring the most comprehensive range of solids, liquids, healthcare and industrial waste services in action, in-depth coverage of the latest resource recovery technologies, behind-the-scenes looks at treatment and processing capabilities, people profiles and more.


Eco-grief: finding hope amongst the climate and waste crisis

Cleanaway Waste Education Officer Andrew Snedden writes about what eco-grief looks like, how to manage it, and finding our collective ...
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How the optimised Victorian Commingled Resource Recovery network extends the value chain for a circular ...

Cleanaway CEO Vik Bansal recently presented to investors on the Victorian Commingled Resource Recovery network and how it supports our ...
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Creating a circular economy key to Australia’s future

Cleanaway CEO and Managing Director Vik Bansal sets out the urgent steps necessary to fix our recycling system and make ...
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Resource Recovery

Cleanaway's FY2020 highlights

Industry-leading waste management and resource recovery solutions for a sustainable future
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Recycling for the future

China has implemented a policy to limit the import of low-grade plastic and contaminated materials from overseas markets.
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